Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lowe's Deal and Steal Alert

After work yesterday, Beau and I proceeded to our second home, Lowe's, on Jefferson Hwy.  We were there for I think the fourth or fifth time in six days....finally picking up the mulch that we ordered ahead of time on super duper sale that was overdue by a week!  Who knew that cypress mulch was in such demand in New Orleans? The manager told us that "some lady" just came in and bought a pallet. 

I randomly love hardware stores and always sneak around to check out stuff while Beau stays on task, doing things like finding properly-sized wing nuts, returning hose attachments, and other critical tasks that I know you want to hear all about. 

Lucky for you, I was compelled to snap this. 

Allen and Roth jute rugs.  I think the weave looks pretty high quality, no?

Now, the kicker. If you happen to like one of the in-stock floor models, you can snatch it for $88.00 for a 5 x 8.  You can also order them, but the insanely dirt cheap prices are restricted to the "floor models."  The Lowe's on Jefferson Hwy. currently has a 5 x 8 in the light light brown.  

If you don't live in Nola, I am sure you can still take advantage of the very affordable price on this pretty good lookin' jute at Lowe's.   Let me know if you snag one!



1 comment:

  1. I would run out and buy one of these immediately; however, there is still a ban on rugs in the apartment. :( One of JG's decrees that he hasn't let up on yet!
