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Monday, November 1, 2010

A (tiny) Nursery Update

Here is evidence that the nursery is "coming along," but just that.  It is nowhere CLOSE to being even organized, much less looking like a room that a small child could inhabit without ingesting a toxic substance, cutting him/herself on an inappropriately-stored glass tchotchke, or strangling on a variety of blind pulls, curtain returns, etc. 

That being said...

Ignore my foot, paint cans, and random box....the fabric for the drapes has arrived!  I have delivered it to our highly-adept seamstress, and it will hopefully return soon in the form of the window treatments I designed!  

An online version of the fabric....from Premier Prints, one of my fave resources for affordable fabric options.

The look I really wanted was apparently impossible to execute in a manner that would not cost an arm and a leg and would not end up looking like shitake (I am not a seamstress and have no idea of the technicality involved in making these...)

Michelle Adams via Lonny via Decorpad
Have y'all ever seen this fabric?  Maybe I am missing something, but I truly cannot find it.

Oh, and a HUGE thank you to Gimlet Nation for its concern and assistance with selecting the gray paint color for the walls.  Um, why was that such a cluster/ procedure?! 

The winner is a shade lighter than Sherwin Williams' "Misty" (SW 6232).  It is perfectly gray, not too blue, not too brown, and not too lavender. 

Even a bit lighter than this...

I will keep y'all posted as the project continues to develop...I hope you are interested in it.  Of course, if you find anything that you think would complement the soft yellow and gray scheme, let me know!




  1. LOVE the fabric!! That is going to look awesome in the perfect grey room!
    That room from Lonny is weird cute!

  2. Can't wait to see it in completion and in use by it's resident. Love the zigzags too:) And thanks for turning me on to premier fabrics:)

  3. love. love. LOVE. i can't wait to see your nursery- yellow & grey is one of my all time favorite combos. hope you & your bump are feeling great! xoxo

  4. Your nursery is going to be cute...I can just feel it. I wonder if that large chevron fabric was hand painted?????
