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Friday, June 4, 2010

P.S. Lamar Sighting in P.R.

I occasionally receive "Lamar sighting" emails, links, iphone snaps, phone calls, etc.  This phenomenon CRACKS me up.  Well, I have to share with you the best real life Lamar sighting email I have received thus far.

This photo hails all the way from the luxurious Ritz Carlton in San Juan, Puerto Rico. 

Lamar in multiples above the open air beach bar!
(Talk about High-Low, people.  One of the best Ritzes in the world features Ikea lighting...how bout them apples?)

Paola's simple message: "Look who we came across at the Ritz in San Juan!"

The "Lamar Sightings" are starting to verge on a veritable design version of Where's Waldo, it seems.  Perhaps I should offer cash and prizes for the best Lamar sightings?

 I knew I would love this blogging gig.




  1. Hi!! Just wanted to say thanks for coming by today! Katie emailed me the other day to tell me that you were the Gimlet Eye author. What a small world! Anyway, I always love you posts, and have stored many of your pics in my "dream house" folder on my computer!

  2. Oh now this is too funny. My BFF, Courtney, a fellow Hautian, and I spent a fun filled five days at the Ritz Carlton in San Juan, PR two years ago. I spent a lot of time at this bar. This was well before I was aware of Lamar. I can't say I noticed then, but I certainly will watch for Lamar from now on.

  3. Lamar looks great in multiples!
